Stay Warm for Winter Outages

Turn up the Heat on Power Independence

What Is Winter Power Outages

Most cold-season power failures happen when winter storms bring freezing rain, sleet, and high winds, damaging power lines and equipment. When the power goes out in the midst of a snowstorm, it's important to know what measures to take in order to ensure the safety of you and your loved ones.

How to Prepare for A Power Outage?

Winter power outages can be a huge inconvenience and sometimes even dangerous. In this time,with winter upon us, it's more important than ever to be prepared for potential outages. Having a reliable backup power generator is one of the most effective ways to ensure that your power is running throughout the winter season.

Zendure Solutions for Home Power Outage

Zendure Solar Generators consist of a portable power station and multiple solar panels. The solar generator harnesses the sun's energy and gets uninterrupted access to power. It is especially convenient and practical during the power outages.

Power your home for days

SuperBase V + 400W Solar Panel

6.4-64KWh Capacity | Built-in 120V&240V Dual Voltage | AC output up to7600W | Zero-Downtime UPS

Starts at $5,599.00

Get A Portable Power Station

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Whole-Home Energy Storage System

SuperBase V is the first plug-and-play home energy storage system designed for the whole house. A customizable energy ecosystem with user-centric design and revolutionary technology.